The above photo shows one of Truman's nightly rituals, "chewing" on one of his many soft blankets. He's done this since he was a puppy, and continues to do this almost every evening, usually when he gets drowsy or just before we all go to bed. He'll settle himself onto his nearest blanket (this red one is a fave), gather as much material between his front paws, and clamp down on it, gnawing and "kneading" with his paws. He's completely blissed out, eyes closed and muffled sighs between all the gnawing and kneading. The blanket is like a giant, plush pacifier. I like to think of it as meditation for the little guy, a way to wind down after a stressful day of sleeping, baying, and eating. It actually may be a way of him reverting back to puppyhood, imitating the ritual of when he was still nursing. Either way, it's darn cute to watch. Inevitably, any new blanket that's draped across the sofa or bed is quickly claimed as Truman's property, so one disadvantage is that the really nice blankets must be stored away or kept out of reach. Fortunately, blankets like the one above are fairly inexpensive, soft and warm, surprisingly sturdy, and available in a multitude of colors at Bed, Bath & Beyond. My little guy is happy, and my nice Pottery Barn throw stays intact. Maybe someday I can bring it down from the closet.